The Geneva Convention issue 3
Issue three was the first issue where we would have the final team put together that would take us home on this project. I ended up meeting Ayat through one of those Facebook groups. I only reached out to him because I saw his post and he was looking for work. He was only charging ten dollars and a guy commented underneath his post wanting to pay him two bucks a page, which I thought was disrespectful. I offered him work on one page and he asked to see some of my past pages.
I showed him Masina and he fell in love with the look of the character and we struck a deal to work on the third issue together. I worked with letter person P.D. on issue two and she agreed to come back and finish the series for me. The team is set and now the story needs to be put together. If you look at the titles of my comics and I have been asked where do I get my titles from? They come from some of my favorite songs. Those songs are telling the same story that particular issue is telling.
“Havana” comes from a pop artist called Camila Cabello. She is talking about the struggle of staying in the moment while thinking about being in a better place. Issue three of the story is just that, we tell the background of Chase and Reyah. How they were partners in the CIA and how Chase ended up with his metal arm. We also get the first appearance in the rymu universe from a group called “The Axis” this group of intellectuals that have come together to see the threats of this new world with Elites. (Elites are what we call superheroes in the rymu universe)
The Axis is located in Mayfield a fictional city in America that we are introduced to in “Blind men lead”. (More on that story later) they are the ones that fixed Chase up after he was shot in the arm on an undercover mission. When Reyah and co arrive the group begins to analyze and check on all of them. They add an upgrade to Chase's metal arm, they even add an upgrade to Masina’s medallion.
As the group leaves the Axis location a man attacks and he targets civilians and Masina specifically. I made this character up as just a distraction to get Masina out of the picture for
most of the next issue. As I wanted the focus to shift back to Reyah and Chase as this was their story to tell. Sefina (Masina’s friend) flies Reyah and Chase to her home. The place she escaped from, where Reyah goes to meet her enemies face to face for the very last time.
This issue also had a pretty cool cameo as well, I did this interview on Big Woo radio and the team had asked if they could be in one of my stories. I am not big on making everyone a superhero but I kind of figured them being a radio station and all that they could narrate what is going on in the story up until that point. That is what we did they are actually in issues three and five. So, if I do not mention them in the issue four retrospective it’s because I am telling you here.